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Practice Visit Protocol

Applying for a GOS Contract

NHSBSA are handling all the applications for GOS contracts.  GOS Contract Management NHSBSA will take you to the correct part of the BSA web site to download the application forms.

NHSBSA will manage the process, which will be a desktop exercise to begin with to assess the application. There will then be two virtual practice visits done via Microsoft Teams. One of these will be with NHSBSA who will assess the suitability of the premises as regards disabled access, fire escape, staff facilities etc. The second visit will be with the clinical adviser who will assess the suitability of the test room, the record card template, and other clinical aspects of the practice.

Once all this has been completed to a satisfactory standard then NHSBSA will inform the GOS contracts manager at the Lancashire & South Cumbria area team who will them begin the process of issuing the contract, setting up the finance codes and whatever else needs to be done before the commencement of GOS testing.

practice visit protocol

Changes to Practices Who Hold a GOS Contract

NHSBSA needs to be notified if there are any changes to your practice e.g. if you intend to change your contracted GOS hours or close when you are contracted to open, or there is a change to performers at your practice, you open a new practice, re-locate or a new director or partner is appointed.

If you sell your practice, the GOS Contract cannot just be transferred to the new owner. You should advise NHSBSA who will guide you through the process

GOS Contract Assurance

From ‎time-to-time NHS England may need to visit your practice to assure themselves that all aspects of the contract are being adhered to. This may occur as part of a random selection following completion of your declaration in Quality in Optometry. You will be contacted by NHSE and guided through the process.

If you have any queries about GOS services, you can email the generic inbox or the optometric adviser

Applications for Second Pairs

Please see below the L&SC ICBs Decision Making Policy – Application for Second Pairs.   

The policy provides guidance which is intended to assist contractors and L&SC ICB in processing requests for second pairs and to support consistent decision making.

Application for second pair

Application for second opinion

Application for non-tolerance voucher

Application for particular pair of glasses

Application for voucher following second opinion

GOS Decision Making Policy

Making Accurate Claims