Dear Optometrists,
About eighteen months ago I contacted LMB LOC regarding the research project for my Doctor of Optometry qualification from Aston University. The response was very good from that questionnaire and indicated a desire for further education within nutrition and lifestyle advice for patient with chronic illnesses.
Previous CET events and articles have been presented, although the gap in optometrists knowledge remains. This has led to the final stage of my research project, which is to investigate how best to facilitate further education in a manner that helps empower optometrists to support their patients nutritional and lifestyle needs?
A Delphi analysis.
Often further educational events will ask for feedback after the event, and this in turn can help improve the course for future participants. The aim of a Delphi analysis is to ask a group of knowledgeable professionals within their field, their opinions about a subject over multiple questionnaires to create an anonymous consensus. In this study the Delphi analysis is to ask a group of optometrists what aspects of an educational event they would find beneficial. The results and consensus from the first questionnaire will then form the questions of the second questionnaire. The follow-on answers could then help inform the development of an educational event by any groups wishing to create one for nutrition and lifestyle advice. This is a process that is used within many industries and is a tried and tested method. By completing a Delphi analysis before designing an educational event, it should help to produce an event that better meets the needs of the audience.
I would be very grateful if you would consider completing the above-mentioned Delphi analysis.
Click the links to an attached participant information sheet and a consent form.
If you are keen to participate in this study once reading the consent form and participant information sheet, please email me at requesting the link to the first questionnaire.
The questionnaire is anonymous and if you wish to participate, you don’t need to put your name on the email. I will reply to the email with the link and then delete the request email to maintain your anonymity.
Thank you for your time in this matter. I look forward to hearing from many of you.
Kind regards,
Nicola Milhench
Optometry Flexible Framework Student (Doctorate)