The ICB has received complaints from providers regarding patient choice for cataract surgery. Referral management centres (RMCs) are receiving referrals that include named providers, which is causing operational challenges.
The ICB requests that a named provider should only be added to a referral when it is clinically necessary. For general referrals, the RMC team will discuss all available options with the patient upon contact. Instances of referrals specifying named providers due to patient transport preferences should instead be addressed directly by the RMC staff during discussions.
Lancashire & South Cumbria now offers an extensive range of cataract surgery options. The RMC will provide patients with six choices based on their postcode, waiting times (where appropriate), and other relevant factors. Additionally, the RMC will audit choice data to ensure compliance with guidelines and equitable access to services.
Please ensure that all clinicians, including locums, are made aware of these guidelines.
Thank you