To all local Contractors and Performers in the Lancashire & Morecambe Bay LOC area: Notification of Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Lancashire & Morecambe Bay LOC will be held on Wednesday 24th April 2024, 6.30pm at Brockholes Visitor Centre, Preston.
You are invited to arrive from 5.30pm for a hot meal and to chat with the evening’s sponsors HOYA Vision Care. Following the meeting, two back-to-back CPD Peer Review Sessions will be lead by Richard Edwards from the OCCS.
The Agenda for the AGM, Chair’s Report and the Audited Accounts will be sent out nearer the time.
We hope that as many local contractors and performers as possible will attend the meeting to hear all about the LOC’s activities in the past year.
As per the constitution, one third of the committee will be stepping down and eligible for re-election. There are 5 places up for election this year with Mike Broadhurst, Michael Jackson, Philip Jones, Philip Harper and Asma Adam eligible for re-election.
If you wish to be nominated for a position on the Committee, you should complete the below Nomination form. If you are uncertain as to which category you may wish to be considered for, please contact me for further advice. Please confirm your intention to attend and, if you wish to stand for election, return the below nomination form to by 5pm on Wednesday 3th April 2024. Should we receive more nominations than places the list of nominees will be circulated in advance of the AGM along with a proxy paper for those of you unable to attend the meeting.